Tim and Jill

Tim and Jill
Tim and Jill at a Twin's game

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What a Remarkable Year!!!

Tim and I can't believe that we have over $17,500 in our adoption fund. Our original thought was that maybe we've have $10K by the end of the year.  God came in and knocked us off our feet. Our Silent Night Auction brought in over $3K, and we a super special donor gave us $5K. We are inches away from actually applying, and now it gets scary.  Up to this point, it hasn't seemed real that we are going to be parents. As soon as that paperwork is filed, the timeline is no longer ours. Honestly, the timeline was never ours. The average wait time is about 6 months, but it can happen in 2 weeks or in 2 years. We are so excited to see what happens!  We are just waiting on a couple more things to line up and then we will be applying.  (probably applying in January sometime) 
We still need $7K or so.  As soon as we get our home study done, we plan on applying for adoption grants, which would mean the next $2-3K that comes in might be matched, and tax deductible for the donor.  We'll keep you posted.
Thanks for being a part of this journey!
Jill (and Tim)